Do you want to feel CONFIDENT in your body?

This is NOT your regular fitness coaching…

Are you tired of starting over? Are you ready to embrace your full innate radiance and tune in to your higher knowing? Macro’s are great and all (and a necessary evil in the beginning), but I am so much more interested in aligning my thoughts, actions, habits and behaviors with my intuition, not with the scale!

Women have an astounding ability to connect to a sense of knowing within. And when we can tune into what our bodies are actually telling us combined with what science and research demonstrates, we no longer have to live in fear of what we eat. We no longer have to weigh and measure our food, or eat out of tupperware.

Move with Mary was created to curate a lifestyle that blends the strength training and nutrition of traditional fitness and bodybuilding with the inner peace, science and art of yoga.

Have you ever caught yourself in a moment of awe? Where everything feels aligned, and you’re not striving for anything or wishing to change anything. The moments when you feel like all is well in the world, and you don’t have a single complaint. Granted, you can always find at least one thing to complain about. But it doesn’t matter, because you’ve found what yogi’s call “Samadhi” and it’s delicious!

This is not just a fairytale ideal, and it doesn’t happen when we reach our “Goal Physique”, but it also doesn’t happen when we’ve neglected our body. Eating too much sugar, numbing our feelings with alcohol, gossiping, complaining, and not taking personal accountability will never facilitate the feeling of inner peace and body confidence we’re after.

When women tell me they want to shed 10 pounds it’s never actually about the weight. It’s about the feeling they imagine losing the weight will provide. And I’m here to tell you, based on my own personal experience and that of countless clients, it simply does not work that way. We must do the inner work. We have to make peace with ourSelves before we can make peace with our bodies.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

A body in motion stays in motion...
— Newton's First Law